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How do I purchase your products?
Register on our website as a new user. Use the shopping basket to create your order and send it to us. We will respond by e-mail with the expected date for the fulfillment of the order.
What are the prices and terms of purchase?
Only registered users can see the prices in our catalogue. The prices are shown without VAT and shipping expenses.
Please pay 50% of the purchase price as you submit the order. We will start production when we receive this advance payment. The rest of the sum is due before the goods are shipped out. 
How and when will I receive the products?
When we receive your order we will check what we have in stock and produce the remaining items. The duration of production depends on the size of the order and how busy we are at the time. Thus the final terms have to be negotiated to be mutually agreeable.  If you wish we can arrange the shipping and add the shipping costs to the invoice. 
What is the minimal order allowed?
The minimum total price of the order must be 1500 EUR.
Small items (magnets MAG01-72, MAGZ01-12 and small bells Bm46-60) come in packs of 5 and may only be ordered in multiples of 5.
What if…?
To ensure safe shipping we pack our products into plastic bags, wrap them into special packing paper, and place them in five-ply carton boxes. The boxes are then placed on a Euro-pallet, wrapped in plastic wrap, and clearly marked with stickers, before shipping out.
So far we have not received any complaints about damaged goods.
If damage occurs, please immediately photograph the damaged parcel and goods. We will send the complaint with photographic evidence to the shipping provider.
You can find more information about the responsibility of the shipping service provider here:
When shipping large orders we recommend you purchase additional insurance.